Selasa, 17 Juni 2014

Tondei Annual Events

by Iswan Sual

   It's not wrong to say that Tondei (located in the district of Motoling Barat, Minahasa Selatan Regency, North Sulawei, Indonesia) is now culturally becoming the center of South Minahasa. Why is it so? This village in last five years  has been conducting traditional events such as Madatong or Mareng i Lele,
Praying before dancing

A walian, a religious leader of Minahasa is leading the group in prayer
Kalie or Tatakoi Festival, Pengucapan Day, Traditional Ritual at Minahasan cultural sites.
1. Madatong/Mareng i Lele
    This event started long time ago. Usually the member of the Mapalus group celebrated their success by holding this events. It's a kind of a game. Simple but it has deep meaning to them. Madatong is usually held during new year days, on 1st, 2nd and last day of the first week of January. The location chosen is the center of the three villages. Young and old people participate in this event. The participants uses lidi to hit each other without having hard feeling. The game is easy. Historically, this traditional game was born when the ancient of Minahasan people conducted Ma'ando or Mapalus. Literally Ma'ando means being morning or working in the morning. Both words are used interchangeably in the village. Mapalus actually like cooperative. The member of the group help each other to clean their garden or farm. At the end of the taking turn they will do celebration. And it's an imitation of what happens during their working time.  
this happened in the beginning of January 2014

the participants are in action
       Before they started a person called Tonaas will lead them in prayer. Usually Kabasaran dance from the youth is inserted prior to Marantong. Tondei has a group of Kabasaran dance fostered and supported by Sanggar Tumondei. 

2. Kalie or Tatakoi Festival
          Kalie or Tatakoi is made from coconut shell. The forms are different according the maker creativity. This game is played by two groups which is each consists of three or more people. Accuracy, focus, strength are importantly needed. Old and young play this game. Starting this year, the youth and students initiated to execute such a game. The response to this is awesome. Many groups registered and participated.
The competitors are in action

The players are fighting to get the promising price
This year was the first time the Kalie to be in real and strict competition. The people play in the morning, day and in the evening. Modern games or sports are now being ignored by the villagers. This year, so far, the competition which give price have been held twice.

3. Pengucapan Day
    This event is almost the same with thanksgiving day which is celebrated in America or Europe. It become similar, possibly, because the Christian influence brought by the missionaries. Previously, this even had not something to with that. It's was called Foso or Poso day. It was celebrated during days even weeks. But now, due to Christianity, the real meaning of it has disappeared. The Pengucapan Day is done in July every year.

4. Maweru ni Ubat and other ritual
      This traditional practice of ancient Minahasan Religion, until now still exists. But, the people who still do this tend to do it secretly because the church claims that it's an adultery and satanic practice. Sixty or seventy years ago, before the church grab a big authority, this event is conducted in the middle of the village or near a milestones. Many people come and follow the ritual. During this event the sick people , physically or spiritually, are cured. Togetherness takes place when the eating together comes. 
Kumelung in Do'ong ritual done near Watu Lutau

Kumelung in Do'ong  ritual done at Aer Tondei
 Recently, the youth tried to simulate the ritual. But the response, at the beginning was horrible. But sooner most of people will get illuminated. 


by Iswan Sual

      Not far from the capital city of South Minahasa regency at Tondei village, approximately an hour by car, we can find a unique stone, called Watu Lutau. Literally, means Shoot Stone. There are a lot of stone of this kind. But what makes this unique is its carving on it. If look closely we see pictures of people handling hands together while dancing. The two pictures are on the each opposite side. The one that faces eastward represents the first ancestor of Minahasa, Toar and Lumimuut. The other one faces west represents the other ancestors, sons of Toar and Lumimuut, named Makuwulur and Mamarimbing. From the village of Tondei Dua, it needs only a couple minutes to get there. The access is easy as well.
Watu Lutau at Tondei Motoling Barat

     The cultural site is not being taken care well by the most of the people. The people who have been Christianized by the west try to forbid their children to get close to it. Only few people come and see. Very little who come to put an offering on it. But nowadays, a group of young people, affiliated in an organization called Sanggar Tumondei Minahasa Selatan is trying to do many efforts to preserve the site. The conduct seminars and visitation to introduce this site the young generation. The try to erase the stereotypes which they know so far.
      The young generation of Sanggar Tumondei are aware that by separating them from the stone makes them forget the great story of their ancestor. "Our ancestor are as brave as the hero of the west in Greece or in Europe. Our ancestors are as wise as the nuns in the east, China. We are very proud of them. They don't left us with books. But the left us with stones. Via these stones we know from where we are," said one of the young people whom they called Tonaas.
      Fifty years, roughly, this village is taken from its original form. The young people reintroduces Kabasaran and Maengket dance, Kalie game, Mare i Lele (a celebration after Mapalus). At the beginning until now, these young people have already faced trouble. Even, one or more of their member's parent quarrel with them. They were punished. They were considered doing adultery. But, they keep fighting. They try to fight by showing the real things of Minahasa.
      It's believed that the Watu Lutau was erected after the death of Makawulur around the mountain of Lolombulan. He was the leader of Malesung people (the old name of Minahasa). When they lived there they some of the time face obstacle made by the surrounding community called Pasengkotan people. Watu Lutau is not the only one stone at Tondei. There are 9 stones. The team of expedition of Sanggar Tumondei already found four. They are near the village. 
Youth of Sanggar Tumondei have just reerected the ignored site

Rikson Karundeng, Minahasan journalist

Youth of Tondei